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Creo 2 - Comment in sequence - I would like to change, without confirm the change!


Creo 2 - Comment in sequence - I would like to change, without confirm the change!

Manufacturing: Comment in sequence:

Is it possible to switch off the save button? I want to change, without confirm the change.

If there is not a possibility, can I do anything else, that I get a Question to confirm the
change, like "do you want save the change - yes/no"

I think, the way to do that now, is not the best way.


Deutsche Version:

ProNC - Kommentar in der Folge:

Gibt es eine Möglichkeit das Bestätigen eines Kommentars abzuschalten?


Wenn nein - gibt es eine Möglichkeit eine Abfrage, ob man
Speichern möchte oder nicht einzuschalten.

Wir verlieren immer wieder bereits geänderte Kommentare
durch die, aus unserer Sicht schlechte Lösung mit dem Bestätigungsknopf.


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I'm also interested in this subject. I'm really wondering why PTC has put this button, apart making us make one more click for a simple thing !!


I don't believe there is any option in place to change this behavior.

I recommend to open a Product Idea - because this is surely a somewhat strange design that can be improved:

  • In the same tab Properties, the Name changes as soon as the focus gets out of the input cell, while the Comments have to be approved with Accept Changes button.
  • Both types of changes still require Apply and Save Changes ... button in the dashboard, so nothing happens without user confirmation anyway.
  • The thought behind this, probably is that comments can be rather long and it will be very hard to undo changes, when accidentally overwriting something. Hence the user is asked to confirm. Too bad he may not always be aware of this!
  • A Product Idea could be to have a prompt - as suggested in your post - or removing the Accept Changes button in favor of an Undo Changes button, that can be used to undo improper changes to the comment. If the majority of changes are intended (as can be assumed), such a design change makes sense.


Long these same lines of apply and save changes the one that gets me frustrated all the time is in the tool setup.

If you have speeds and feeds setup in a database you have to hit the read database button and then apply.... If you don't hit apply you get nothing in the parameters!! you have to go back into the tool set up and reread the database and then hit apply then ok for it to read the data into the parameter page. I forget this about 5 times a day and is a great source of annoyance to me. You would think after using this software for a while you would remember that you have to apply changes but I am thinking a step or 2 ahead of myself quite often when I do this and have to back up and start over.

I would not mind seeing the apply disappear from this function. Isn't reading the database enough?



Look into using AutoIt or Autohotkey to monitor for the existence of the window. If you are clever enough you can prevent clicking 'OK' (by fencing off the mouse from even moving over the button) until the Apply button is clicked.

If that's too much interference they can just be used to pop up a reminder window. I've used AutoIt for similar functions in the past (like moving pop-under windows that WF3 and WF 5 tends to make.)



I will look into those progs sounds interesting



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