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I'm running WF2 build m050 with a Fanuc robodrill mill.
Hi Cedric,
I have a couple of questions. Does the post output correctly when you start at a point other than X0,Y0? I'm making an assumption that the tool rapids to a point Xn,Yn,Z5.0 then feeds to first Z and feeds across/through the part. This may indicate that the post is not processing the first GOTO statement in the NCL file.
Hi Jay,
Yes, the post outputs correctlyif the start is apoint other than X0, Y0. Francois pointed out that thepost thinksthe table is in the tool change position (X0,Y0)and therefore does not require outputting the X and Ybut in actual fact thetable isstill inthe home position.
Both seem logical even if they don't address the problem directly. Will try both on monday unless there is a reason for not doing so?
Thanks all for the help 🙂