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You should be aware of this:
which would be the reason why you cannot find a download for Prime 3.1.
To contact PTC, try:
Dear Sir/Madame,
I would like to download my PTC Mathcad Prime 3.1 Student Edition – Perpetual License but unfortunately the 'BEGIN DOWNLOAD' button does not work. I attached the message after click on the button. Please, forward me the instalation file. I would like to install application on the another computer. I paid for the perpetual license, so I do not understand why I cannot use my product. I am aware of Official PTC Mathcad 15 and Prime 1–6 End-of-Sale Announcement but it is not my problem. I bought perpetual licence. I have a claim to the Mathcad Prime 3.1. Please forward to me from your archive Mathcad Prime 3.1.
Order Date: 3/22/2016
Order Number: 9158813572
With my best regards
Wojciech Sawicki
Hi Wojciech,
This is a forum for users of Mathcad/Prime. This means that whatever information you post here can be read by anybody.
PTC personnel will go here sometimes, it's not guaranteed...
Apart from you needing the installation source for Prime 3.1, you also need a new license file for your new PC. That can only be provided by PTC personnel.
In short: You need to contact PTC.