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commercial or student version?
You can request a license for your new computer by moving the old one to the new NIC address.
Commercial license, but for an old version (Mathcad 14). I cannot navigate without an SCN or customer number. Even the phone support (which is practically invisible) needed info besides the product code... so I left a message... and then I tried to file a case with globalsupport@ptc. I guess I'll wait to see if I hear back. Thanks!
If you have your old license file, it should have your customer number in it.
If you are the site administrator, you can download a customer report file that would have all of your numbers in it.
I know finding the right page for moving licenses between computers is not easy to find, but it is there and does work.
I have not found a customer number, yet. However, the license.dat file has PTC_HOSTID which seems to be linked to the hard disk serial number. So far, I cannot get an answer from PTC about this... but they had enough time shoot me a message suggesting I should upgrade to the latest version 🙂
Thanks for the help... I'm still working on it.
I was informed by a colleague that the procedure _was_ to email with the serial number of the hard drive and the disk number being used for installation, and then PTC would send back a license file that had to be stored on the same hard drive. I tried that and it failed... asked me instead to call or use Both of these options require things I don't have (and which seems clear was not available with Mathcad 14). I can only assume they don't want my business anymore. This is getting to be too much.