On 9/4/2009 3:07:07 AM, Tom_Gutman wrote:
>Seems to be a problem with
>your Mathcad version. I get
>the expected (by you) answer
>in both MC11 and MC14.
I guess then MC2001i is the culprit.
>Also note that
>you have an improper integral,
>with the integrand becoming
>infinite at one end point.
>Your version of Mathcad mmight
>just not support that, or
>might require explicitly
>choosing the singular endpoint
>option (by MC11 that and
>adaptive seem to be the same).
Explicitly choosing the Singular Endpoint option doesn't help. And it's not required for the other three integrals, which seem content with the Adaptive option.
In my application worksheet, I had first chosen to use the problem transform pair and only stumbled onto the correct pair by chance. Like my old mentor advised, "Better to be lucky than smart."
Thank you all for looking at this problem. I guess we can chalk it up to a Mathcad 2001i bug.