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About references in mathcad 15 (and Prime)

21-Topaz II

About references in mathcad 15 (and Prime)

The following picture shows how to use references in a worksheet.

Does anyone have something to add?

About references.jpg

Pay attention to the verses of the arrows. The arch, can not close on itself.


And what about "Cloud" functions and constants

Привет Валерий,

Мне очень жаль, но я не использовать "облако". ... Так, я не могу дать адекватный ответ. Тем не менее, вы можете попробовать использовать ссылку на таблицу включены в него ....

С новым годом!

Ф. М.

(В переводе с "Google Переводчик")

Hi Valery,

I'm sorry, but I don't use the "Cloud". ... so, I can't provide an adequate response. However, you can try using a reference to a worksheet included in it ....

Happy New Year!

F. M.

F.M. написал(а):

Привет, Валерий,

Мне очень жаль, но я не использоватьую "облако". ... Поэтому Так, я не могу дать адекватный ответ. Тем не менее, вы можете попробовать использовать ссылку на таблицу в документе, на который сделана ссылкавключены в него ....

С новым годом!

Ф. М. F. M. (Ф.М. - Федор Михайлович Достоевский for me)

(В переводе с "Google Переводчик")

Hi Valery,

I'm sorry, but I don't use the "Cloud". ... so, I can't provide an adequate response. However, you can try using a reference to a worksheet included in it ....

Happy New Year!

F. M.

Happy New Year with... center of mass, balance in/between your soul, body, family, office...

Please excuse me, I wanted to be original and fun, but I got the opposite result.

I think, however, that you understood the meaning of the sentence, although the big misunderstanding.

I had a nice partner, originally from a city in the Urals, she taught me, much to my pleasure, her mother  language. But, now they are a few years that she has returned to her country. As time goes by, I'm forgetting what I had learned with her. Now, then, with the translator there is the danger of large misunderstandings.

Let's not more think about it, and get ready to savor the sweet and sparkling wines with which we'll toast tomorrow night.

Happy New Year.

F. M.


About sparkling wines!

When I open these bottles, I always remember my friend from Germany. His father was taken to the Russian front in the 18 and soon came under Stalingrad.  A fragment of a bomb came into his head and he became blind. He worked in Germany rest of his life at the factory for the blind and doing by hands wire constipations for these bottles.

And second.

I have visited in Oct. 2016 one place of Great Anton Chekhov was dead (Germany). One photo from this trip. Werner, Translate please into English!


Here you are (thanks to the German, Italian and English Wikipedia pages it was just a matter of copy and paste).

The cite is from the memoirs of his wife Olga Knipper who describes the last minutes of his life:

  „Kurz nach Mitternacht wachte er auf und bat erstmals in seinem Leben selbst darum, einen Arzt zu holen […] Es kam der Doktor, verfügte, ein Glas Champagner zu bringen. Anton Pawlowitsch setzte sich auf und sagte irgendwie bedeutungsvoll, laut zu dem Arzt auf deutsch (er konnte nur sehr wenig Deutsch!): ‚Ich sterbe…‘ Dann nahm er das Glas, wandte sich zu mir, […] sagte: ‚Lange keinen Champagner mehr getrunken …‘, trank [das Glas] in aller Ruhe aus, legte sich still auf die linke Seite und war bald für immer verstummt.“


Si risvegliò di colpo verso mezzanotte: ansimando chiese un medico. Delirava, ma riprese lucidità quando Ol'ga gli applicò la borsa del ghiaccio sul petto: «Non si mette il ghiaccio su un cuore spento». Alle due venne il medico: «Ich sterbe» - gli disse piano Čechov - io muoio. Il dottore gli fece un'iniezione e volle procurarsi dell'ossigeno, ma lo scrittore lo fermò: «È inutile». Allora fu ordinato champagne. «È tanto che non bevo champagne»: bevve e si distese sul fianco. Poi fu silenzio.


Anton sat up unusually straight and said loudly and clearly (although he knew almost no German): Ich sterbe ("I'm dying"). The doctor calmed him, took a syringe, gave him an injection of camphor, and ordered champagne. Anton took a full glass, examined it, smiled at me and said: "It's a long time since I drank champagne." He drained it and lay quietly on his left side, and I just had time to run to him and lean across the bed and call to him, but he had stopped breathing and was sleeping peacefully as a child ...

Happy New Year to everyone!

С Новым Годом всех!


Всех с новым годом!

(Hope that Google did a good job 😉

Thanks, Werner.

There is a hypothesis that Chekhov said not in German "Ich sterbe" (I'm dying), but in Russian "Ух, стерва" ("Ukh, sterva - Wow, bitch!") - praised the widow Clicquot champagne. But the German doctor did not know Russian and misread the last words of Chekhov.

ValeryOchkov написал(а):

F.M. написал(а):

Привет, Валерий,

Мне очень жаль, но я не использоватьую "облако". ... Поэтому Так, я не могу дать адекватный ответ. Тем не менее, вы можете попробовать использовать ссылку на таблицу в документе, на который сделана ссылкавключены в него ....

С новым годом!

Ф. М. F. M. (Ф.М. - Федор Михайлович Достоевский for me)

(В переводе с "Google Переводчик")

Hi Valery,

I'm sorry, but I don't use the "Cloud". ... so, I can't provide an adequate response. However, you can try using a reference to a worksheet included in it ....

Happy New Year!

F. M.

Happy New Year with... center of mass, balance in/between your soul, body, family, office...

If you or others correct my English post, I will say not sorry, but thanks - it is a little lesson for me in my English! Do it please!


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