I am at my first steps with Mathcad, could someone help me to plot the bode diagram of the function G(f) pease
Please first enter your formulae onto a Mathcad worksheet and attach that worksheet to your posting.
I randomly established the values of the constants.
Thanks for your answer but could you please explain how did you get the definition of the frequency range ; and some steps to plot the diagram as you did.
thank you,
You can define the frequency range taking as minimum frequency the smallest value among the absolute values of the poles and zeros and as maximum value of the frequency range, the maximum value among the absolute values of the poles and zeros. The step amplitude can be defined dividing the difference of the previous values by the number of steps. I have considered as a minimum value of the frequency Fz divided by a thousand and as a maximum value, Fp multiplied by one hundred. To have a larger diagram you can replace a thousand with ten thousand and one hundred with a thousand or ten thousand or even more, that is, they are chosen according to your needs.
i get the explanation about the frequency range definition, thank you
Now trying to reproduce your same example in mathcad,i can't get the same diagram as yours. How do you do it?
I would like to learn doing it clearly as you do. Some tips please.
In the picture what i get when i plot the diagram with the same values.
Please attach your Mathcad worksheet....!
I just send the necessary informations to plot the bode diagram.
By quickly double clicking on the graph, the following panel appears with all the options. You have to choose log scale for the x axis.
I have MathCad 6 Prime installed on my pc, i can't access these functions to edit the diagram...it is about the program version?
FIRST and before all: Attach your mathcad worksheet.
As an alternative, to generate the logarithmically spaced frequency points, you can use the logspace function. Supply it with first (smallest) and last (highest) frequencies, and the number points per decade, gives you an array of frequency points. Like this (for 1 to 10 with 5 steps per decade):