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C vs C++ DLL for Mathcad14


C vs C++ DLL for Mathcad14

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to create a C++ DLL for Mathcad and as a fisrt step I'm following step by step the instructions in Developer's Mathcad help and ttry to complile the example in Mathsoft\Mathcad 14\userefi\microsft\sources\simple\MULTIPLY.C,

I'm using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (free download).

I can succesfully complile the file MULTIPLY.C and get the DLL to run in Mathcad (C code) but when I try to rename the file to MULTIPLY.CPP (CPP code) I get an error like the one shown bellow:

1>------ Build started: Project: multiply, Configuration: Release Win32 ------


1>LINK : warning LNK4075: ignoring '/INCREMENTAL' due to '/OPT:ICF' specification

1>MULTIPLY.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "int __stdcall _CRT_INIT(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned long,void *)" (?_CRT_INIT@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@KPAX@Z) referenced in function "int __stdcall DllEntryPoint(struct HINSTANCE__ *,unsigned long,void *)" (?DllEntryPoint@@YGHPAUHINSTANCE__@@KPAX@Z)

1>C:\Program Files\Mathcad\Mathcad 14\userefi\microsft\sources\Copy of simple\Release\multiply.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals

========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========

Is this a compliler issue (Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (free download)) or am I doing something wrong when I use the .cpp extension?

I'm not very experienced at all with C and C++ so I'm affraind I might be doing something silly. Any help is appreciated.

I hope I can use C++ in my DLL's code.

Thanks, Mike



What Windows OS and Mathcad 14 service release (F/M) are you using?

P.S. Also, maybe this will help:

Hi, I'm using Windows XP, Mathcad 14.0 M010 and trying to compile using Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (free download). Thanks...

Try to use "Search the Microsoft Knowledge Base Only" by the following keywords:

"warning LNK4075";

"error LNK2019";

"fatal error LNK1120".


Robert Adair posted a tutorial for this. As usual, I can't find the original thread (IMHO, the search on this forum absolutely sucks compared to the old Collaboratory search). Here's a zip file containing the key stuff. Hopefully there wasn't any critical information in the thread itself.

5-Regular Member

(IMHO, the search on this forum absolutely sucks compared to the old Collaboratory search).


I find the search on here much better than the old forum. Most times searching on the old forum resulted in 'too common' response.


Yes, really. On the Collab I could pick one or more forums to search in. Here. I can pick one only, and NOT the top level Mathcad, to include all subforums. So either I search everything, and get tons of utterly useless hits from forums such as Creo and Windchill, or I have to search all the forums one at a time. The search results are also heavily loaded by the tags, but of course the old posts from the Collab don't have any tags! And on the old Collab I could filter by setting a starting date and an ending date. Now my only options are last day, week, month or year. That's not exactly useful when I know it was about 3 years ago. Finally, all the hyperlinks are broken. That's not exactly a search problem, but it grossly compounds the difficulty of finding anything. When I was looking for Robert's tutorial I found a couple of hyperlinks that probably took me to the thread I was looking for. A fat lot of good that did me.

5-Regular Member

Fair enough.



Thank you for the dll tutorial, it helped a lot!


Thank you for the link to the Msft knowledge base. It's a good site...


No problem.


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