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Dear all
I try to change from Input to Function
!!!!!! Purpose!!!!
- Delete (1.Old Input) and Put (3.New Input Under Area)
- Correct and add new Variable (a,b) to (2.Existing function) ) and every functions in the area have (a,b) as new variable additionally.
as picture below and attachment file
Thank u
What were you hoping to get when you defined:
If a is an array, you cannot use it to define a range like this:
That you mentioned just for plotting, but that I want the most function in areas if can work is ok
the output I want
Ant the plot maybe not important for me now
sorry now I not near computer can not print screen just text only
thank you
I think all you're trying to do is plot your calculations. See if what I've done to your beautiful sheet helps at all.
I want a and b as variable not Input
Attached is a Prime 4.0 file. I rewrote your original file into 4.0 (Express at 4.0 leaves a footnote but no splash across the page.) so I could study it; that's impressive work.
Then I understood your request, and have started to see if I could make that work. I haven't been able to figure out how to create your vector B or the matrix A as functions. If we can do that then there's a chance we can achieve what you're after.
Maybe there's someone smarter out there!
And a & b can put as matrix and result still ok