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Differential quadrature method for solving a system of PDEs


Differential quadrature method for solving a system of PDEs


I need to solve a system of partial differential equations. The system is of the form A*f(x,y)+B*f,x(x,y)+C*f,y(x,y)+D*f,xx(x,y)+E*f,yy(x,y)+F*f,xy(x,y)=0, where A, B, C... are coefficient matrices and f(x,y) is a vector of unknown functions that need to be solved f(x,y)^T= (f1(x,y) f2(x,y)...). It seems that such system of equations could be solved in Mathcad 15 by using either "relax" or "multigrid" functions. However, those algorithms can solve problems only in a square domain. In my case I need to be able to control the x and y span. I know that the so called differential quadrature method could deal with this problem but I am not sure how to implement this algorithm in Mathcad 15. Has anyone solved such a system of PDEs in a non square domain in the past and is willing to share the solution?

Best regards


P.S. Next week I should get two books that deal with systems of PDEs in Mathcad: Differential Models an Introduction with Mathcad, Alexander Solodov, Valery Ochkov and Mathcad for Chemical Engineers, Hertanto Adidharma, Valery Temyanko. Hopefully those books will contain a recipe for tackling this problem.


I just got the book today. I will be busy till the end of this week with other things but after that I will study it in detail.

Rafal Sulwinski написал(а):


P.S. Next week I should get two books that deal with systems of PDEs in Mathcad: Differential Models an Introduction with Mathcad, Alexander Solodov, Valery Ochkov

Thanks for the interest to the book

Thank you for writing this book!


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