On 4/24/2010 8:01:31 PM, rmix22 wrote:
>When I plot a single point in
>a 3D-Plot I make it look like
>a sphere. That works fine on
>most machines, but on a
>specific one, the point will
>show as a filled square.
Once you will have finished checking for the other suggestions, consider next step. It could be that your Mathcad 14 suffers the same bug as my Mathcad 11 ... I say "my Mathcad" because I reported it many times, no collab acknowledged, was not asked for detail from Mona ... just preaching in the desert. On long work sheets specifically but on any size work sheet, Mathcad 11 loses the plot specifications, so critical that for some of the failed plots it's not even possible to reconstruct... A "pseudo virus" of some kind not detected and so on.
By reading you strictly, you are short of diagnostic. On that reluctant machine, you don't say if the specification is still for big dot or if the plot spec has turned itself to square. I would do that: CHECK. Can you do that, and if so that the big dot has changed to square, you then have a "pseudo something" that affects the 3D plot spec.
During the construction stage, you can plot lot of arguments but eventually, it might only be possible to remember only the f(x,y), possible with another one like a plane or a projected contour. Generally, it constructs very well 'f' and (X,Y,Z) but might not remember and turns red sometimes weeks or months later. In fact, (X,Y,Z) should be avoided and changed for Q:= [put X,Y,Z in a 3 vertical vector]. However, Mathcad plots well and always reconstruct 'f' and a matrix... whether the matrix is single or the matrix from Createmesh for instance.
You haven't attached a typical failed plot ! ?