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Everytime I press the / key on my keyboard (which should be the hotkey for the division operator), Mathcad outputs " é " instead. How do I get it to do what it originally does again?
Thank You
Which keyboard layout are you using?
Which "/" are you pressing - numeric keypad or "normal" part of the keyboard?
Is it a Mathcad specific problem? Does the "/" key work as expected in a word processor or in notepad?
I'm just using the standard US keyobard layour. I'm pressing the normal key with / and ? on it. And yes, it shows up as a / everywhere else I type, just on Matchad it shows up as é for whatever reason.
Which version are you using? That will help narrow the search efforts.
For example:
In MC15 a ? used in a math region is the derivative shortcut, while in P3 the stroke returns just a ?. You have to use Cntrl Shift D in P3.
I'm using MC15.
And it still outputs é even in text regions.
Strange, indeed.
Not that I would have any clue - I'm just poking around.
I am using MC15 on a laptop which does not have the numerical pad, so I only know that the normal key is having this issue. As far as I can tell, it is the only key with the problem. It was working fine earlier before the issue started. It is entirely possible I may have changed or done something, but I do not know how, when, or what I did to cause this. I may just try reinstalling the program to hopefully resolve the issue. It is not too big of a problem becuase I can still use the division feature from the calculator toolbar; it is just somewhat inconvenient.
Did the reinstall of MC cure the problem?
What happens when you change the font for the equation?
What font is it currently using??
It is either Arial or Times New Roman, but changing the font does not seem to make any difference.
What happens when you try to type a "/" in a text region??