Continuing from Part 3B.
Part 3C is the solved examples and solved problems for the RLC Higher Order Circuits. Relevant notes in Parts 3A and 3B.
Note: Number of solved examples and problems are high. They try to cover as much areas of the RLC higher order circuits. Any errors the student/engineer should be able to correct with little or some effort.
Section 1 solved examples and problems correspond to Part 3A and 3B notes.
Section 2 solved example are the same for the transfer functions in RLC circuits though these are from a Controls textbook.
Section 3 problem is a discussion question the solution provided is more toward looking at the solution from multiple perspectives.
At present for students in Electric Circuits 1 course there is adequate material provided here for the first semester course. Usually some of the material here runs into the early 2nd semester course.
There is plan for a Part 4 this will be in coming months, 3 at least, covering the remaining few sections on RLC. The contents on this material Part 4 may need to be looked at further, by me, for reinforcing studies in Laplace Transform For Electric Circuits. So this may be a while for Part 4 which should try make it the end of the pre-requisite studies.
Apologies for any errors and omissions in advance.
P.139 Text Book answer is right.
P.141- Solved by only 2 equations.
Good on you.
Good on you. Weldone Mate!