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How to open MathCad Express 4.0 file in MathCad 3.0 Prime (full academic license) ?
Very simple methods. Pick 1:
Method 1:
- find someone with Mathcad 3.0 and Mathcad 4.0 (or newer) and a lot of spare time.
- Convince them to open the file in 4.0 and type it into 3.0.
Method 2 (preferred by PTC):
- Buy Prime 4.0
(Can you tell what I'm feeling?)
Better still:
Install prime 4.0 express next to prime 3.0 and open the file yourself.
You can install (at no cost!) Prime 4.0 Express.
You get full functionality for 30 days of Prime 4 usage. That includes being able to successfully copy multiple equations at the same time time and paste them, e.g. in this forum. (for Prime 4 express it works only a single equation at a time).
But the copy-paste also works to a previous version of Prime (well, i tried it with Express 3.1 and it works).
I tried it the other way round (copy equations from Prime 3.1 sheet and paste into Prime 4 sheet) results in just pictures, no live equations.
So here's the way to do it:
Install Prime 4.0 express. Copy a single equeation in Prime 4 express and paste it into an empty sheet of Prime 3.0. If that results in an equation rather than a picture you know it should work to Prime 3.0 as well.
Activate your 30-day free license for Prime 4 and copy->paste all equations over.
Don't forget that the worksheet converter will only convert them for the latest version of Mathcad Prime installed.