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You're asking Mathcad to find an analytical solution to an 8'th order polynomial! Can't be done above 4th order! Stick with numerical solutions.
You're asking Mathcad to find an analytical solution to an 8'th order polynomial! Can't be done above 4th order! Stick with numerical solutions.
The last equation has kc, but should be kd
Mathcad has functions for eigenvalues (eignevals) and it will provide numerical results ( I tried it on your corrected matrix), but not symbolic, as Alan indicates
Even if you could get one, it would probably be so long as to be unuseable.
Thanks. It's kc alright. There's no kd. kc is the spring between mc and md.
After all, Alan is right.
Thank you all,
You have 4 masses connected with 3 springs? After lookiing at the matrix again, it's not clear to me what the arrangement would be? Just for my own curisoty, could you pass along?
see the attached.
note that the system is not ground at any point. the dampers are shown to ground, but you can think of them as sliding masses on a viscous surface. due to a unique nature of the system, damping isn't a funciton of delta velocity between masses.
Interesting problem, thanks for the reply.