I'll just suggest Microsoft Math for Word:
http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=030fae9c-704f-48ca-971d-56241aefc764&displaylang=enOn 1/10/2010 1:58:13 PM, ColinCWare wrote:
>the Nature
>of the Universe is not that
>fancy or complicated.
Unlike the actual universe....
>Hi Richard, In no way did I
>mean $0.
No - But there aren't a lot of options, and they are all expensive. This suggestion was the only realistic answer to your specific question.
>They could sell three or four
>times more copies of their
>offerings if the prices were
>set at 50% and then offer 20%
>reduction on the first 50
The argument doesn't hold true. That statements assumes high price elasticity - that a change in price will be matched by large proportional change in purchases. There is little doubt that a change in price will change demand, however the target audience is very finite and a finite customer base means an inelastic price. That is, a change in sales price doesn't have much change on number of purchases. This means that halving the price may increase sales by 25%, meaning a total loss of 25% in profit.
It's like Microsoft Windows, why don't they charge $10 for it? They would sell hundreds of thousands more coppies. They don't do it because they would make less total profit than selling fewer coppies at a higher purchase price.
Anyway - that's getting away from the point.
I absolutely agree that a "Home Edition" is required, like Wolfram Mathematica, and if this were at a cheaper price the sales would undoubtedly increase. I would like to see a basic feature Mathcad available for people to use to learn mathematics (school children), and even for purposes such as your.
However, I don't think this will ever be the most profitable market.
I would also like to see students getting coppies for free while they are studying. These are the people who will dictate sales in later years.
Nobody can hear you scream in Euclidean space.