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Civie student here, got MathCad Express Prime 3.1 for several of my classes this semester that have labs and thus lab reports. Obviously one of the pros was that it could actually make graphs, compared to Excel which doesn't understand the x-axis. So I'm trying to graph data from a Geotechnical lab - grain size analysis - where the x-axis is diameter (mm) and the y-axis is percentage (unitless). I have three problems (possibly four):
I say possibly four because reversing the direction of the x-axis scale isn't mandatory, it's just how we usually graph it. Suggestions? Is what I'm trying to do impossible? Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure what you mean by Excel not understanding the x-axis
Your problems:
1) This is not a problem. Mathcad can handle units, but it can also handle unitless data.
2) Look up READPRN
3) x and y are just labels. If you have two variables, put whichever you want on the ordinate axis, and the other on the abscissa.
4) That's not possible in Prime (it is possible in Mathcad 15).