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Hello, i am new to MathCad and how could i solve this equation in MathCad.
These are the boundary conditions
on the left bound
; on the right bound
Initial condition is T(x,0)=300K
Obtain temperature distribution on each moment of time and each point of the dimension space(t0=0, tf=150 sec).
I have no idea how to do it in MathCad. Sorry for the inconvenience caused
Looks a lot like
Yeah it's homework
Which means YOU do at least a first attempt. When you run into trouble attach your worksheet and state the problem.
I have done it in Python but i have no idea how to solve it in MathCad unfortunately.
Sorry i forgot to add my attempt file. This is what i could do
You can do more. Like:
look up the function 'pdesolve' in the help of Mathcad and see how you need to define and structure your partial differential equation, the ranges, and the boundary situation.
Be sure to check out any examples.