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Thanks, Stuart!
Но иная простота хуже воровства!
We need 7-th! 7 is one fine digit!
How about this
Unfortunately Mathcad is bot capable to simplify to e but it knows that the expression equals e.
And here is a funny one - does muPad really think that the equations is true for a=1 ???
e=2.7+2*Leo Tolstoy - A lot of students in Russia know it!
I know this mnemonic poem in Italian, I think it works for me since it was quoted in the Differential calculus book I had as first year university student : 2.718281828459
Ai (2) modesti (7) o (1) vanitosi (8)
ai (2) violenti (8) o (1) timorosi (8)
do (2) cantando (8) gaio (4) ritmo (5)
A rainbow
«Каждый охотник желает знать, где сидит фазан»
(красный, оранжевый, жёлтый, зелёный, голубой, синий, фиолетовый).
In English
"Richard of York gave battle in vain"