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In Mrssage Image


In Mrssage Image

On 1/24/2010 6:49:25 AM, rmix22 wrote:
>BTW - off topic: How do you
>manage to show an inline image
>in the middle of your text and
>not at the end?

In the body of the text and starting in a new line, you insert the coding. If you want just the image and no message at all, you must type some whatever something like ........... Always leave an empty line at the top and bottom of the code.

Gif01 is one of my gigantic collection of all the images I have attached in text. It is an Irfanview for easy retrieval. They are all in reduced color for saving memory. Having included the code in the text above, when you click on "Post", it sends the panel browser where you click the icon "Mona" and browse for where the image is in your PC. Once in there, double click on that image name, then click on "Upload now".
After your image name you type .gif> and close the code, the dot must be from the letter keyboard, it does not accept the numerical dot. As long as the image you are inserting is an image, the code will accept ... it accepts *,bmp, *jpg but not only *.gif.
Try it back, send us "dog" from your Mathcad install directory .


... a you can see, the partial code wants something already !!!
Will it take more:

jmG wants no ending text
in the line of insertion:


For God sake, it didn't correct the typo in the topic !

On 1/24/2010 10:10:40 AM, jmG wrote:
>For God sake, it didn't
>correct the typo in the topic
Nevermind - thanks to Richard, who pointed me to Your answer to my offtopic question, I found Your answer.

As I see all uploads of all users are stored in the upload-directory. To avoid duplicate filenames numbers in parantheses are attached if necessary. The system seems not to change the inline-src-statement. Therefor my mail showed the dog.bmp which was uploaded by another users while the attachment link was changed to reference "dog(1).bmp". Think this is what you meant when you wrote about your collection. Think you can reference a file you uploaded some time prior without necessary to reup it again.

So it looked like one must be quite careful giving the attachments a unique name or edit the message after sending it (which I had done for practice purposes).

Again thanks for your help


Sorry, I missed your dog !

Sometimes, messages do queue,
queue w/o logical explanation.


On 1/24/2010 4:35:19 PM, jmG wrote:
>Sorry, I missed your dog !
>Sometimes, messages do queue,
>queue w/o logical explanation.
Hmmm, don't know. I can see my message and the oicture worked.
Maybe a confusion because my first (dog) message was a reply to your first message and my second was a reply to your last one. Therefore my first message appears _before_ my secod one if you chose to watch the entire thread.


On 1/24/2010 3:06:19 PM, rmix22 wrote:
> Think you
>can reference a file you uploaded some
>time prior without necessary to reup it

Indeed. Or even one someone else uploaded. Here's one Alvaro uploaded recently:


On 1/24/2010 6:19:35 PM, rijackson wrote:
>On 1/24/2010 3:06:19 PM, rmix22 wrote:
>> Think you
>>can reference a file you uploaded some
>>time prior without necessary to reup it
>Indeed. Or even one someone else
>uploaded. Here's one Alvaro uploaded

I was just at that point before reading this one from Richard. If in your *.gif file, you have saved a new image in a previously passed in the collab, and you attach the new one, the collab will open the original image. So, never replace a previously posted image by a new one under the same name. The collab image data base is like an Egyptian script on stone, not deletable. Then, for new Mathcaders it's wise to save pertinent images in a "Collab images" folder, in order to revisit the material at leisure later on, not knowing were to retrace and in the worst case the originator may have deleted the thread that contained the image.


Thank you Jean for Your instructions.

So its a normal attachment with a little bit of HTML. I was thinking on the option inline image and therefore the picture was at the end.

Here's the doggy (I hope)

Thanks again and sincerely


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