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Dear colleagues, I have used the attached "Outlier Rejection
procedure" for over 20 years to detect outlier data from acquired
thermo-structural tests.
I have tried, unsuccessfully, offering the procedure to AEDC (Arnold
Engineering Development Center) because I use one of the two
Outlier Detection Methods but they have not shown interest.
Therefore, I am donating it to the PTC Community.
The method is a simple average of the of AEDC's and Chauvenet's
Outlier detection methods criteria resulting in the formula:
C_ABC(n) = (C(n)_AEDC + C(n)_Chauvenet(n)/2
Where "n = sample size"
Ultimately, entered the numerical results into TableCurve 2D
resulting in the formula provided in the attached workbook.
I have successfully used to determine the outlier of:
It is my hope that the community members will utilize the
ABC (AEDC-Banks-Chauvenet) Outlier Rejection Criterion.
to your particular applications.
Enjoy it ☺
The proposed ABC Outlier Detection Criterion is a result of the
interest inspired by the reference article and reading about the
life Leonhard Euler converting me into a maven or mavin).
1) "The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Mathematics in the
Natural Sciences"- is a 1960 article by the physicist.
Eugene Wigner"
2) “A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field,
who to seeks pass knowledge on to others. The word maven
comes from Hebrew, and it means one who understands,
based on an accumulation of knowledge”
Methinks you had posted this file here before, hadn't you?
-> Julio Banks proposes - Mathcad - ABC (AEDC-Banks-C... - PTC Community
Dear Werner_E, I have submitted the file before but I needed to replace it
with a file with corrected spelling of the name "Chauvenet". but I did not
find an option to replace the file. Therefore, I corrected the misspelled
name replacing the letter 'a' after the letter 'v' with the correct letter 'e'
as follows: Chauvenet.
Since I noticed that this file appears in Internet searches, I decided
to include the PDF-version of the Mathcad Prime v9.0 for the
convenient viewing by researches not having MC Prime.
One additional intention of including the PDF-version is that I personally
believe, without being asked by PTC, promoting Mathcad Prime over the
alternative software of MatLab and Mathematica. Ideally, I dream of the
day when engineering textbooks would use Mathcad as a substantial
competitive option.