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I want to write in my new book like this.
What do you say about it?
"Mathcad has become a kind of stepdaughter at PTC. Previously, this program had a mother - MathSoft, which in 2006 sold itself and its daughter for almost $ 100 ml to PTC. Now the Mathcad program is not a separate mathematical program like Maple, Mathematica or SMath, but works as a servant of Creo CAD and gradually, alas, dies.
Программа Mathcad стала некой падчерицей на фирме PTC. Раньше у этой программы была родная мама – фирма MathSoft, которая в 2006 году продала себя и свою дочку за почти 100 мл долларов фирме PTC. Теперь программа Mathcad не является обособленной математической программой как Maple, Mathematica или SMath, а работает служанкой у САПР Creo и постепенно, увы, хиреет.
And more from this book (in Russian - translate please)
Как уже было отмечено во введении, Math CAD – это четверка математических программ Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica и SMath, какие были использованы при написании данного учебного пособия.
Если говорить о заокеанской тройке Mathcad, Maple и Mathematica, то легальная установка их на компьютеры российских пользователей сейчас по известным причинам невозможна. Но все со спокойной душой перешли на серый или даже черный импорт, когда эти программы скачиваются с разного рода торрентов, пиратских сайтов. Ситуацию можно обрисовать русской пословицей «Не рой другому яму – сам в нее попадешь!». Раньше не все, конечно, но многие пользователи компьютеров заходили на сайты разработчиков Mathcad (, Maple ( или Mathematica (, скачивали пробные версии, а затем платили за установку полных версий. Сейчас же отечественные пользователи по-прежнему спокойно скачивают все, что им нужно, но не платят за это ни копейки, пардон, ни цента. Более того, во многих организациях введены запреты на использование программных продуктов недружественных стран. Еще более того, все это дало толчок к развитию отечественных аналогов – той же программы SMath.
Конфликт между национальными государствами не нужен, расточителен и непродуктивен. Китай блокирует экспорт угля из Австралии, в то время как китайцы испытывают перебои в подаче электроэнергии, потому что угля не хватает! Причиной запрета являются слова политика, который больше не находится у власти в Австралии, резко отвергнутый австралийским населением. Это безумие.
Yes, you can't download coal from a torrent 😫
Translation: Conflict between nation-states is unnecessary, wasteful and unproductive. China is blocking coal exports from Australia while the Chinese are experiencing power outages because there is not enough coal! The reason for the ban is the words of a politician who is no longer in power in Australia, strongly rejected by the Australian population. This is madness.
@terryhendicott wrote:
Конфликт между национальными государствами не нужен, расточителен и непродуктивен.
Как непрдуктивен!? Знаете сколько на этом зарабатывают оружейные бароны!?
Translation: As already noted in the introduction, Math CAD is the four mathematical programs Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica and SMath, which were used to write this tutorial.
If we talk about the overseas trio of Mathcad, Maple and Mathematica, then legal installation of them on the computers of Russian users is now impossible for known reasons. But everyone, with a calm soul, switched to gray or even black imports, when these programs are downloaded from all sorts of torrents, pirate sites. The situation can be described by the Russian proverb “Do not dig a hole for another - you will fall into it yourself!”. Previously, not all, of course, but many computer users went to the developer sites of Mathcad (, Maple ( or Mathematica (, downloaded trial versions, and then paid for the installation full versions. Now, domestic users are still calmly downloading everything they need, but do not pay a penny, sorry, not a cent for it. Moreover, many organizations have introduced bans on the use of software products from unfriendly countries. Moreover, all this gave impetus to the development of domestic analogues - the same SMath program.
I just have. If I do not fully understand the English text and give the command (right click) to translate into Russian. English visitors to this forum can't do that?
@Werner_E @LucMeekes @Fred_Kohlhepp
Is it not understandable why those guys from PTC make fun of Mathcad in the idea of decaying it so low?
After all, it is not only the disadvantage of Mathcad users but also theirs (meaning of those who own Mathcad (Prime) and sell it)...
Mathcad's competitors (like Wolfram Mathematica, Maple, Matlab, etc.) probably enjoy this incapacity of Mathcad (Prime) to be a serious competitor to them.
The other competitors mentioned above are going higher and higher to improve their software, while those from PTC are going lower (the improvements they bring are far away and they still have many, many more improvements to make to bring Mathcad Prime on a waterline).
It seems that those from PTC who develop Mathcad Prime are just a few guys trying to do something.
The most annoying thing is that a calculation created in Prime N cannot be opened in Prime N-i. I don't know of any other similar program with such a sneaky feature.
Есть хорошая русская пословица на этот счет.
Жадность фраера погубит!
One letter from PTC (2006-2010). Sorry - Russian and picture. May be someone has an English text? Or covert it in English!
This letter must date from April 1st 2010.
Its funny to read this 13 years later. PTC promised so much and delivered so little. 😞
A very special chutzpah is the statement about Prime 1.0: "When the version meets our users' expectations, it will be released to the market."
Do you remember Prime 1.0? It really wasn't even Prime 0.1, more like maybe 0.01 beta.
But ... PTC actually had the balls to sell the junk and charge for it. Should that demand respect, or rather disgust?
Here is the translation which Google Lens was able to come up with. I guess that RTS should be PTC.
Yes RTS is PTC.
And Mathcad PrimΣ - not Mathcad Prime!