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Hi Valery.
This is another approach.
Best regards.
Furthermore no bank would give the teacher a loan ( costant payment method ) in order to spend the night in Munchen, there is no solution: ( Ни один банк не даст учителю кредит для того, чтобы провести ночь в Munchen - нет никакого решения 😞
But for the night in Monaco would give. There is not casino in Мюнхен.
One Russian bank would give! If the teacher will return back 50-90% a loan to the director of the bank
ops...жаль ... на итальянском языке они называются так же, только акцент отличается, и Бавария является лучшей командой
Yes - Monaco - Munich (Muenchen) - монахи (monakhi) in Russian!
Thank you, I tried to include also Monaco restaurants annual inflation rate ... though no data is available Consumer price index (2010 = 100) | Data
Typically, those who in life, chose to teach, are rich in themselves and do not need bank financing, although in this case they would enjoy all the willingness of banks .... so, they could enjoy, for its entire duration, the October fest in München ....
F.M. написал(а):
Typically, those who in life, chose to teach, are rich in themselves and do not need bank financing, although in this case they would enjoy all the willingness of banks .... so, they could enjoy, for its entire duration, the October fest in München ....
See pls pics here Re: System of units in Mathcad