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I'm trying to plot the square root of the independent variable x,y. The z variable is the dependent.
Not sure to put it in matrix form or if there is a better way. Also how would it be possible to show real and imaginary numbers.
Like so?
Yes thank you very much. That worked perfectly. Now also I have a similar example where I tried to graph ln(2x^2+y^2). Its giving the same error as before. I tried using the setup you mentioned previously unable to make it work.
It's a different problem. ln(0) is undefined. Click on the x-axis, and change the lower limit to -9.9 instead of -10. That will make Mathcad miss the 0,0 point that causes the problem.
As an alternative to Richards approach you could use the if function or the if statement in the function definition to avoid invalid values:
Here is a small utility routine which should work for most functions:
Regards Werner
P.S.: Wish we could use NaN in 3D plots in Mathcad 15 😞