I noticed an unusual behavior when copying and pasting after editing the new Prime 10 advanced control box. Whenever I try to copy and paste, the box size becomes infinitely long in length.
Prime 10 file attached.
Thanks for any help,
I don't know what your definition is of:
- infinite. This is what I see, zoomed out to 25 %:
- length of a combo-box. (I'd think the width is unusually large).
But nevertheless, the behaviour is undesired, if not unacceptable.
If you are on maintenance, please report as a bug.
Have tried on my system with menu copy and paste, right click copy and paste, CtrlC/V copy and paste and all OK.Cheers
Thank Terry,
There is something in my system indeed. I tried with your version and all the CtrlC/V, and it did right !
Created a new file, and the bug returned.
I will open a support.
Many thanks,
Hi Fred,
I have noticed the same bug in prime 10. The result of a copy and paste action of a control is uncertain. I have found that this happens in worksheets that have the same advanced control multiple times. Therefore, I copy it from a file in which each control is present only once.