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Problem when copying from mathcad to excel


Problem when copying from mathcad to excel


I've got a problem, when I'm copying elements from Mathcad 14 Excel component (table) directly to Excel (2007).
When I'm pasting exact region, there is no option "past only values", Excel automatically inserts formulas, and the option "past only values" is unavailable.
As a result I've got an empty table with "0" in copied region, because in new worksheet there is no values to use formulas. (these Values are existing in Mathcad Excel component, and I don't want to copy them).

Can You help me?

I can copy straight from an embedded Excel component inside Mathcad into Excel 2007 without a problem.

Are you copying the excel regions from inside the live component using a basic copy and paste?



Yes, I'm using standard commends "copy" and "paste". I was trying to copy by "paste only values", but it's unavailable.

It's quite annoying, because now I have to copy values manually, any other options don't work properly.

For sure:

When I'm copying, first, I enter an Excel component, then match proper region and press "Ctr+c" or RCM and Copy.

After this I enter Excel, and try to paste, but program automatically inserts values with formulas (formulas relate to cells in new worksheet, which are empty). There is no option available: "past only values".

I don't know what to do.

Can you post the worksheet?



You could output the values from your compnent back into Mathcad, then copy/paste from a matrix to Excel.


You could also extract the excel file as an output file and make it dependent of the Mathcad worksheet.



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