On 2/3/2010 12:48:30 PM, stv wrote:
>However, it is completely uncommented, so you'll have to work hard to figure out what's going on!
To help understand the file: Parents have some properties (let's say arm lenght and strength in the hand) wich their children inherit with some mutation, this is, the arms have a different lenght and hand different strength. So, some childs become parents and other not (this is, not all die, but because their arm length they have not child or have less, or don't care enough, that's not matter). Some equations says what arm length is better for the hand's strength, and the process continues.
Also the process can have some restrictions, like structural, or more evolutive, like the fact that big strengths require big amounts of energy, and thermodinamical considerations imposse limits about the hand's strength.
For a big number of properties it's problematic know which properties drive the process; Pareto's ranking is apply here. Remember that Wilfredo Federico Damaso Pareto, born in Paris, implement the rule 80-20.
Regards. Alvaro.