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Putting into Parentheses.


Putting into Parentheses.

I have a question (is similar to the one is in the past.) need help (in Mathcad 12).

(A B).PNGa_b(A,B).PNG

Thanks in advance.
Regards, -LL-


Would be a nice feature if implemented.

Unfortunately it would involve modifying the XML of a regions, and so would involve a lot work.

Could base it on the Excel feature.

That could work. I prefer to avoid Excel as a solution though. If it is based on Excel it will only work for those that have Excel installed (which is most people, but not everyone), and calling an Excel based component involves a lot of overhead because it has to launch an Excel process.

That could work. I prefer to avoid Excel as a solution though. If it is based on Excel it will only work for those that have Excel installed (which is most people, but not everyone), and calling an Excel based component involves a lot of overhead because it has to launch an Excel process.

Agree, it does involve a lot of overhead but can be quite rewarding.

Find it a little strange that this type of feature hasn't been implemented. They are perfect for calculations or programs which are constantly used - easy way to notice unacceptable results.

We can live in hope.


That could work. I prefer to avoid Excel as a solution though. If it is based on Excel it will only work for those that have Excel installed (which is most people, but not everyone), and calling an Excel based component involves a lot of overhead because it has to launch an Excel process.

Agree, does involve a lot of overhead but can be quite rewarding.

Surprised this type of feature hasn't been implemented. Very good feature when using calculations or programs repeatedly and looking for unacceptable results.

We live in hope.



I think Richard just made a typo, he actually made a matirx with a single element.

I meant that the final array is nested.



Sorry, that occurred to me after I made the post.

Altough I have followed the collab for only a short time, I look forward to your comments and insite.

Thank You

It's not in MC11, and it is in MC13. I don't have MC12 installed, but evidently it's not in that version either.

Works opposite way in ver 12 - swapped conditionals over in IF statement to make it work.

The ver 12 help files say: "if(cond, x, y) Returns x if cond is true (non-zero), y otherwise".

Did this swap between 12 & 13?


Did this swap between 12 & 13?

No, it works the same way in all versions. Witout your swap of the arguments in "if" it shows what matches, rather than what does not match (which is what was wanted).


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