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Stress Strain Fitting...(former Arrays)


Stress Strain Fitting...(former Arrays)

Hi again. Hope you're all doing great!

I'm back with more on my initial post. Taking into consideration our discussions and after completing the remaining tests, I've reached the attached...

The problems I'm facing next are:

1. I have 30 sets (each of 50 pairs, strains and corresponding stresses) to which I want to find a "mean" - construct a curve which gives, for lets say a given strain, the mean of the stresses (problem is the strains are particular to each and every set)

2. find the tangent in the origin (since most curves have a stabilization step - a preload until a stress of 20 MPa, that means finding the tangent for the curve in this point)

Kind regards, Dumitru

First, I tried to reduce the replies to the first form of my topic (I've saved it all as document so it should be available to everyone) but gave up soon after.

Second, I've renamed it..thanks giraud for suggestion (I kept it in the initial form considering the fact that it would be easier for you collabs out there, who helped a lot, to reference back)

Kind regards, D.


... BTW, this sheet is very small in content, but huge in size.

The accusation goes to Excel.
If the lab delivers to Excel, fine
then read the Excel file from Mathcad.
That should reduce the sheet to maybe < 100kB.


I recall a set of 4 equations with 4 data points that had 16 solutions - all perfectly valid. So Minerr or other least squares isn't the final solution. My results were obtained by a convergent reversed Taylor series made from the first and second derivatives of the Newton Step.

>is easier to read the independent values on the horizontal scale and the dependent ones on the vertical one.<<br>
The independent variable is the pressure you apply, it plots on X
The dependent variable is the deformation, it plots on Y

You should worry most about the data you have collected, many of them show an unexplainable pressure cycle. Some you can defend and I can accept, typically the one I have worked. What you are not saying is about the pressure cycle you apply or attempt to apply [I mean the ones that makes sense]. That pressure cycle pattern, does it comes from a standard in that kind of testing or does it come from some invention. Up to the fracture, if you apply a linear pressure, it will surely fit well.
The other point is that you will not interpolate via "linterp" or a bspline [interp] on the non ascending part of the pressure cycle, unless the data are split and transformed . The attached demonstrates how to interpolate the ascending viscoelastic sites. The part after [polyline] is for a total pressure cycle in parametric form.

>My main goal is to see the best curve to fit experimental data. That is why, in the first place, I'm studying what others have proposed (i.e. Wang et. al). <<br>
The best fit up to fracture will largely depend upon the ascending pressure . When you plot sin(x), x is supposed linear. Sometimes transforming the independent variable helps the fit. You refer to Wang et al. but you haven't attached the PDF or else link to what you are reading, just to make sure it is understandable, and technically correct. Does Wang give the form of the pressure cycle or is it an invention. Why don't you make it linear up to the fracture ?

The last plot is a 2/2 rational approximation.


On 5/3/2010 7:35:34 PM, jmG wrote:
>>is easier to read the independent values on the horizontal scale and the dependent ones on the vertical one.
>The independent variable is
>the pressure you apply, it
>plots on X
>The dependent variable is the
>deformation, it plots on Y

As dvmoldovan already explained, the experiment was constant strain. The load was adjusted to keep the strain increasing linearly. So the dependent variable is the load.


Assuming procedures similar to that used for metals, the test equipment provides a known strain (mechanically, usually based on a screw mechanism) and the stress is measured. There is no independent "load", just a stress response to the applied strain.
� � � � Tom Gutman

I am familiar with these measurements on polymers, and then there is the possibility of a feedback system to try and keep the strain constant. But that's because the mechanism is not just a simple screw.


On 5/3/2010 8:40:27 PM, rijackson wrote:
>I am familiar with these
>measurements on polymers, and
>then there is the possibility
>of a feedback system to try
>and keep the strain constant.
>But that's because the
>mechanism is not just a simple

Everybody has its own interpretation about what should be what. The project is a non sense in my opinion whereas it looks as an attempt to put the Euro Code 2 data in some sort of formulation, which formulations have been tabulated and need no more interpretation than interpolating if necessary and as permitted by the code itself. One column is qualified "micrometer", the other column is qualified "kN" [probably pressure]. Plot it the way you want, who cares ... it's not even a stress-strain diagram.

Personally, I doubt the Euro code has columns heading like Ch, that I interpret as "Channel", therefore it would indicate that the project is entirely personal, conducted in unknown procedure and what for if there is an adopted code of such an envergure ?

Can any collab interpret the first data table in the work sheet from the originator, I'm willing to read you as you can read me in the attached. This project has not move a bit in 50 treads, any collab willing to make it move ... trust me to collaborate.


jmG, I suppose you recognized in advance that Minerr wasn't goimg to do this.

On 5/4/2010 8:41:43 AM, bones7xx wrote:
>jmG, I suppose you recognized
>in advance that Minerr wasn't
>goimg to do this.

I have recognized lot more than that, Theodore.
Data are forged, the bench is in doubt, the procedure likely inadequate.
Good news Theodore: the fun is coming on that project.


On 5/4/2010 3:21:17 PM, rijackson wrote:
>On 5/4/2010 2:14:47 PM, dvmoldovan
>>Yes, richard that is what I
>>need. When talking about
>>column 2 you are referring
>>to..(what column/ in which
>It is getting hard to keep track of
>everything! Set c=2 in this sheet to see
>the data I am referring to:

The Minerr Paul W. was passed in two styles: the short style as in the work sheet in reference, and the NULL style. The fastest when it works is the short style. However many fits will not be possible in short style, so here is the NULL style. The vector of initial values must be collected in vector, this is so because lots of fit can't go direct LM but a good approximation is obtained sometimes CG, sometimes QN ... thus much easier to plug coeff's. And because there is always an "AND", too many fits can only be done manual, thus you must be able to collect quite a few fits in vector.
In Mathcad it's best practice to respect the position of the arguments and parameters. Nothing wrong y(x,A,B,C,D) but it's not correct and creates lots of problems especially in collaboration ... it should be y(A,B,C,D,x).

Same remark about ORIGIN that should be left 0.

To fit a "normalised rational", only the first term need be valued, generally the value 1 is OK. Not detrimental in this 0...1 range of 'x' but it will soon fail with a much higher range of 'x' because if the higher order monomials are valued it pushes the solver out of capability.

Nothing wrong with the work sheet in reference, but not a model to follow, at least not for beginners learning "curve fitting" in Mathcad.


... also, the principle of solving is to equate to 0 [zero]. This goes behind the scene of the symbolic solve and the root and ... Thus respecting the principle is the best procedure. On the other hand, equating to zero is sometimes an heresy that's much easier to manipulate on the right side.



On 5/5/2010 7:51:16 AM, dvmoldovan wrote:
>Today I took the files as
>originated during testing and
>did a manual analysis on them.
>You were right Jean...the data
>was inconsistent (apparently
>the export to excel modifies
>the type of data from numbers
>to general). I also deleted
>steps that repeated themselfs
>so...the result

Read carefully:

Mathcad was designed by visionary designers. They may never become as celebrated as Fourier, Laplace ... etc. Nevertheless, these guys were "Mathematicians". The Minerr is repertoried in the "Numerical Recipes", but it looks the Mathcad Minerr is a more powerful version. What I have done here is in gray and 'j yellow'. If you enable the 2nd constraint condition, it will force in some way the fit. The j 197 belongs to the 2nd data set, the value =1 is just demo, you could force by any unknown value to your appreciation " that is my fit to conserve".
There would be other ways to fit that rational, but too early. If you would want to fit globally, the fit can be wrapped in a piece of program that will do all at once, but you won't be able to force individually for a specific "forced plot". This fit is typically a "Gaussian" that might eventually fit better. But that will deviate [probably for better] from the Wang suggestion. Wang might have been short of models ?
Now you can see my point last night about "solving essentially equates to 0" and what I said about the 0 not necessarily being 0 but otherwise to accommodate a fit. Another point is about the text box , sometimes it's valuable to plug a solver in a text box, but usually it is of no advantage. If you have to push some regions down, you must leave some left margin to the text box, otherwise you can push only one step at the time, because the pointer always goes back the left and re-enters the text box and that screws things .

j197 is for demo the 2nd data set, play with it for that fit and play with the conditional block = -1 or else to view the action.
Deactivate the 2nd conditional block to explore the other fits. You can leave the j 197, it will have no action on the fit and it will not turn the plots red because all the data set have > 197 points

About the text box:

It makes Mathcad read like newspaper, i.e: reads/calculates the text box top to bottom then jump on the right of the text box. Very convenient to put the working maths in text box and have the plot next right, like in text books. Text box it one of the features that makes Mathcad so gorgeous for technical presentation.

I will be out for the day, but that fitting session is in good hands with your new/revised data. Rational fractions tend to produce glitches. So, make sure you increment fine enough to insure no undesirable glitch appear, unexpected. Your ORIGIN didn't pest me up until now, but it will soon. There are some instances ORIGIN must be 1 or else but you redefine at the point needed in the work sheet and turn it back to 0 as soon as done with it. Where does that crazy ORIGIN= 1 comes from ? Just figure that many collabs have 1000's of modules based on ORIGIN=0 and every time they would have to adapt for helping "heretic visitors" , no way.

There is a lot of red in the 11 conversion, it might be that you have to define Mpa.


... suite demo:

This fit is in 4 steps of PWMinerr LM [Levenberg-Marquardt]. Yellow is the initial guess, and on that there is no maths or very little in some instances, the second step is to re-inject the first found coefficients ... there you can see my point about copying a vector vs the individual inclusion like it was on other work sheets ... and the detail in there is that often just by acting on a single coefficient, Mathcad will crash or end in an infinite loop !!! Nothing is so simple, but a good procedure helps.
Done the green fit, next step is to force the fit, here j 216 [typical] ... not too bad but can be made better, how ? No matter how smart the numerical maths are, non-linear models are "reflexive". What it means here is that xc does not Minerr, Oh l�, l�. You are then left with a manual touch up of xc, while you can still play with j 216. The result is a non arguable better fit than Wang rational that is not very flexible.
In a paper, you can put the coefficient in an horizontal vector, but at the design and construction stage, if you don't leave the procedure operative, collabs have to deconstruct. You can stick with Wang but in my opinion you shouldn't refuse a better model. Often, there is no alternative than an "approximation", however in case a better model is found it should change religion.

This message and the work sheet in < 15 minutes.


I don't see why the model selected is so complicated. The data is noisy and any least squares results are subject to speculation. At the end of this document is a simple Thiele run.

"The data is noisy and any least squares results are subject to speculation."

It's more than noise, rather the range switching is not correct. The test bench is scrap or there is no point in testing past fracture or past the elastic limit. Even only slightly educative in curve fitting.


On 5/5/2010 6:13:05 PM, bones7xx wrote:
>I don't see why the model
>selected is so complicated.
>The data is noisy and any
>least squares results are
>subject to speculation. At
>the end of this document is a
>simple Thiele run.

Can't be more right about "complicated model". It was selected to demonstrate additional constrains and refined fit and the inactive Minerr on one of the coefficients... 3 birds one stone. This is the final fit.

Sorry for Wang model !


Did you say �code?�

The Wang thing is a math bureaucratic response to some political effort to defeat the established practice of state testing of concrete samples for tensile strength. The tests should be gathered for a statistical presentation and eventual approval of a contract to build something with the concrete that meets the state code. A model fit is meaningless. The Wang thing is a psychological flood.

Perhaps the data given by the originator is a time series of tests run on samples that seem to be mistakenly prepared by failure of preparation and slump test results were not given and those test samples were to be rejected.

I.E., the old State Highway Commission was being reorganized by a brilliant civil engineer from out of the state to a new State Road Commission bent on college bred mathematics.

On 5/6/2010 4:26:45 PM, dvmoldovan wrote:
>I'm not going to calibrate
>(no need to since the testing machine is)

You can stick with your idea but you won't benefit of the remarks/guidance provided. The problem is lot worse than the mechanical machine. The data that this bloody machine collects is a total nonsense as it does not collect columns of equal length and that bothers the fitting session. The data aren't collected serially vs pressure applied on the sample, it seems to collect in a sort of eye diagram that you have to deploy in an exploitable way for Mathcad.
I have attempted the ascending/descending and got two absolute gorgeous fits that can be qualified in Dirac words: "too beautiful not to be true".

Inspect the data that were removed and conclude they shouldn't have been there in the first place from the collection, which collection you better look for how it works. If you can't exploit the machine and its associated software, then go full manual, i.e: apply pressure and read deformation , all experiments of equal number of elemental tests. After that, make your stress-strain diagram as you wish, but at least you will have raw data that should be fitted just before the stress-strain diagram.

The ascending has 11 data for a perfect fit. Why should you have 196 data for the descending part of the experiment. This puts the project back many threads ago. Wang has about that: 2 dozens of data pairs per experiment. What I don't understand either is why don't you have your stress-strain diagram looking like Wang diagrams ? A damned serious question if your project consists in duplicating the same testing .


Thanks for the clarification of the problem. With limited knowledge of the physical properties of the clay-aggregate cement mixture, plastic and chaotic deformation flows, I have shown the curve fits for these two regions and ignored the very meaningless part above the peak.

A relative of mine was West Virginia State Road Commissioner long ago, and I know the procedures he used to survey the tensile strength of small samples cast in a butterfly shape. We show treated wood small rural bridges outlast the old narrow rebar concrete bridges on the highways.

The results I obtained are consolidated in a way that the numerous Web sites discuss this problem.

On 5/9/2010 9:14:16 AM, dvmoldovan wrote:
>Great work! Thanks!

Don't get discouraged by curve fitting. Over 40 years of that stuff didn't quench my appetite. Build that one by yourself and try the full data set or the two points reduced one. Notice the Minerr is not vectorized,,, Oh ! something new. Now, assume the underlying phenomenon is of that shape, no matter how many zillions of points, you won't get any better fit than the two points one. This example is an "ad absurdum" proof that data set must be collected wisely. It dictates pre-testing to evaluate the shape of the phenomenon, then distribute at best. In term of your project, 1791 points is non sense, simply. Ideally of equal length and not more than needed, strictly raw data from what you apply and what you read.

In that example, an abundant data set can be plotted and the fit governed by " a user two points" for a customized fit based on some known bias from the collection or simply based on a special calibration point, that would then be a "calibrated fit".


On 5/9/2010 2:38:14 PM, dvmoldovan wrote:
>First, thank you all for your
>time and energy put to my
>rescue. Although your answers
>may sometimes have been not
>what I hoped for (initially),
>you all pointed out several
>flaws in my sheet (and data).
>With you permission I'll start
>over (still based on what has
>been posted here so far).
>Second, let's assume the
>following :
>1. from experiments one has
>gathered data for strains
>(column 1 - microns) and the
>response in stress from the
>material (column 0 - newtons)
>2. there is one function to
>link them together (as
>proposed by Wang)
>The question is, how can I
>achieve the best fit between
>experiments and Wang?
>I attached my latest work, but
>it doesn't feel right due to
>that inflection point...
>Please disregard erratic data,
>discontinuities and others.
>I'm trying to understand the
>principle and the formulas it
>should use before collecting
>any more data...
>Kind regards, D.

"1. from experiments one has gathered data for strains (column 1 - microns) and the response in stress from the material (column 0 - newtons)"

==> Total non sense: strain is a calculated ratio, dimensionless.

I don't understand negative pressure unless the sensors have inverse polarity or the calibration is zeroed at 2500. But you can see that the project is reversed. So, we are back to square 0, i.e: read the pressure from a dial meter and the deformation from a dial meter too, with much less measurements.

During testing of a material sample, the stress�strain curve is a graphical representation of the relationship between stress, derived from measuring the load applied on the sample, and strain, derived from measuring the deformation of the sample, i.e. elongation, compression, or distortion.

In continuum mechanics, stress is a measure of the average force per unit area of a surface within a deformable body on which internal forces act. It is a measure of the intensity of the internal forces acting between particles of a deformable body across imaginary internal surfaces [2]. These internal forces are produced between the particles in the body as a reaction to external forces applied on the body. External forces are either surface forces or body forces. Because the loaded deformable body is assumed as a continuum, these internal forces are distributed continuously within the volume of the material body, i.e., the stress distribution in the body is expressed as a piecewise continuous function of space coordinates and time.

The SI unit for stress is the pascal (symbol Pa), which is equivalent to one newton (force) per square meter (unit area). The unit for stress is the same as that of pressure, which is also a measure of force per unit area.

Strain is the geometrical measure of deformation representing the relative displacement between particles in the material body. It measures how much a given displacement differs locally from a rigid-body displacement.[1] Strain defines the amount of stretch or compression along a material line elements or fibers, the normal strain, and the amount of distortion associated with the sliding of plane layers over each other, the shear strain, within a deforming body.[2] Strain is a dimensionless quantity, which can be expressed as a decimal fraction, a percentage or in parts-per notation. This could be applied by elongation, shortening, or volume changes, or angular distortion.

The Cauchy strain or engineering strain is expressed as the ratio of total deformation to the initial dimension of the material body in which the forces are being applied. The engineering normal strain or engineering extensional strain e of a material line element or fiber axially loaded is expressed as the change in length �L per unit of the original length L of the line element or fibers. The normal strain is positive if the material fibers are stretched or negative if they are compressed. Thus, we have

where is the engineering normal strain, L is the original length of the fiber and is the final length of the fiber.

The engineering shear strain is defined as the change in the angle between two material line elements initially perpendicular to each other in the undeformed or initial configuration


... more graphs


Here is how to use the (A,B,C,D) fraction you attempted unsuccessfully.

On 5/9/2010 7:57:35 PM, bones7xx wrote:
>Here is how to use the
>(A,B,C,D) fraction you
>attempted unsuccessfully.

Below Marlett 24, the two Thiele segments combined.
That should help the collab for the similar data sets.

Thanks Theodore for your collaboration.


Let's make it clear: the stress-strain is "load pressure/area vs the dimensionless elongation ratio". There is noise [or uncertainty if you wish] on both : the pressure applied and the measured change in length [deformation]. As it looks from the data, it seems the "uncertainties" do twin together in the same direction for some data, then as well they look to twin in another direction. That is a common sawtooth signal. The worst of it is the ratio because the division is the most efficient arithmetic fitting as well as the worst in this case. The ratio is (L0-L1)/L0, the subtraction is numerically very unstable as well and make the ratio, i.e: "strain" the worst numerical calculation. What the software does in between the collection and the output is quite another adventurous uncertainty.

There will never be something out of this project until the load and elongation are supplied because the software behind is unknown. Wang was certainly a lot wiser just reading the pressure dial and the micrometer dial like any layman would do. What I'm saying in short is that this project is a musical chair. What's so complicated reading two dials and writing down on paper. On some data sets [the incurved ones], too many data in the front and about none in the tail.

What's the interest of experimenting higher pressure past the fracture, at the point the concrete sample has turned yogourth or jello ???


On 5/10/2010 2:08:02 AM, jmG wrote:
>The ratio is (L0-L1)/L0, the subtraction is numerically very unstable

Without knowing the uncertainity of L1 this is an expected result, and have good chance if L1 is small. In the other hand, when dividing by the maximun L0 it is assumed a low err(L0) just because it is easy to see the bigest value in the instrument. For this I accept normalizing to (-1,1), but refuse to make the zero adjust to the data in a post-experiment stage.

Regards. Alvaro.

On 5/9/2010 6:32:06 PM, jmG wrote:
>... more graphs
... and more functions to spend a good evening


On 5/10/2010 3:19:19 AM, dvmoldovan wrote:
>You can do things as you
>suggested only up to fracture.
>Since I'm interested in
>post-peak stress behaviour
>that is impossible to achieve
>in the usual procedure..

What you are saying is that up to fracture you have concrete and past fracture you have chewing gum and that eventually there will be sometimes a new concrete recipe that will not collapse like the 911 towers. The matter is then to collect the pressure and the deformation from analog meters or recognized equivalent A/D reading. Then, from whichever best fitting function, you will conclude the "stress-strain" diagram. You seem to forge data the way you want to arrive at a false proof and want collab to approve your work.

Again, two columns of about 2 dozen of paired stress [pressure per unit area] vs the deformation [in applicable unit]. From there, it will be possible to best fit or otherwise provide a clean relationship from which you will extract the "stress-strain" conventional diagram.


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