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I'm using Mathcad Prime 3.1. But can't see how to make a sub-script in a text area. Any pointers would be most appreciated.
Thanks in anticipation,
Ian Williams
As silly as it may sound, it is not possible (to my knowledge).
Try using a variable definition (with literal subscript) and inserting that into your text block. Not ideal but it may suffice.
I hope this helps.
Thanks. This works. Not ideal though. Having recently 'upgraded' from Mathcad 13 (which annoyingly won't install on my new PC running Win 7), it's become clear that Mathcad has gone backwards with subsequent releases. Looks like Maple or Mathematica might be the way to go.
Not sure what's gone wrong.
Happy days!
Remember that the definition is now valid for your calculations so you do not have to define the variable in your worksheet.
If I veeeeeeeeeeeeeery want to have sub- and superscript etc. in Mathcad Prime remarks I use pictures as text.
ian williams wrote:
I'm using Mathcad Prime 3.1. But can't see how to make a sub-script in a text area. Any pointers would be most appreciated.
I've hit that problem in my Prime 3.1 trial and have put it on my Whine List. I can't see anything obvious that let's you create subscripted (or subscripted) text in Prime. I suppose one could play around with fonts, but super/sub-scripting should be a standard feature.
I also find the absence of text styles to be a great inconvience, as I use them a lot. I note that Text Styles are specifically mentioned as being missing from Prime 3.1 Migration Guide.
The way to have subscripts in a text area is to insert a math region within the text area, [ctrl]+[shift]+[m] and then type the text the same way that you do in the regular math region. I typically use [ctrl]+[-] to toggle on or off subscripts. Click out into the text region to resume adding text.