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I'm curious if we able to do sum of square in mathcad? I'm thinking to the the sum of square on math cad for the filtered temperature and unfiltered temperature. Scenario 4 & 5.
if it is impossible to do it on mathcad, would you please recommend me the way to download the data to excel?
Thank you so much
Certainly Mathcad can do the sum of squares.
Make sure your data is in a vector like:
Now you can easily calculate the sum of the square values:
For an arbitrary length vector you write is as follows:
Thank you so much for the information. i believed it is SSE of Tsf and Tf. Do you know any function to extract the data to excel?
Thank you so much
Looking for something like this?
I will just have to do it seperaly then ratio of SSE of Tsf/ SSE Tf.
i will try it now. Thank you so much
I think I forgot to mention that is sum of squared fit (SSE) or residual :(. I think there is a function call leastsquarefit in Mathcad but im not sure.
Thank you so much everyone
Ah, you want a fitting function...
How about genfit() ?
I think there is a function call leastsquarefit in Mathcad but im not sure.
You really need to start using the on-line documentation. There are a number of fitting functions, including genfit (as Luc says) that will find the least square fit to your own function (requires work.)
From the on-line help for Prime Express 4.0:
@TN_9676358 wrote:
I think I forgot to mention that is sum of squared fit (SSE) or residual :(. I think there is a function call leastsquarefit in Mathcad but im not sure.
Yes, there is LeastSquaresFit(..), but I am not sure if it does what you intend.