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These units are not compatible


These units are not compatible

Please help. I am not sure why it is complaining about the units. Both numerator and denominator are in Ohms

zd1(s) ---> Ohms (numerator)

s*L1 ---> Ohms (denominator)


Accepted Solutions



Thanks for all the helps. Not use to vectorize a function yet but will do it from now on



View solution in original post


Either delete the equal sign at the end or delete the "(s)" after T


You have to decide if you want define a function T() (no "=" at the end!) or if you want to define a variable T

This is an old mistake, or rather a flaw.
Once upon a time, the developers of Mathcad created the tandem-operator ... := ... = ..., but forgot to attach it not only to variables, but also to functions. And the error messege is not correct.




Thanks a lot for all your helps. I deleted the "=" at the T(s) expression and it is now working. Unfortunately I have one more question, may not related to the original question.


I defined D(s):=|T(s)| and vectorized on top of the |T(s)|, then I evaluated the D(s) expression and it seems correct.


However, when I try: MAG_T(s):=[(Re(T(s))^2+(Im(T(s))^2]^0.5 returns values around 10^-54 which is a very low number and its results do not match with D(s):=|T(s)| vectorized which returns around 0.06 or so

Do you know why?


Please see attached file


Thanks for your helps again



However, when I try: MAG_T(s):=[(Re(T(s))^2+(Im(T(s))^2]^0.5 returns values around 10^-54 which is a very low number and its results do not match with D(s):=|T(s)| vectorized which returns around 0.06 or so

Do you know why?

Yes, I do.

Valery already showed the solution - you have to vectorize the expression.

The reason is the difference between T(s) and T(s) vectorized


Why the difference? Because of functions like z.d1(s). They include z1(s)*s. z1(s) returns a vector and s is a vector. So without multiplication vectorization you get the vector product. This is not what you want - you want to feed every single element of s in your function and collect the scalar results in a vector. And this is exactly what vectorization is good for.




Thanks for all the helps. Not use to vectorize a function yet but will do it from now on



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