I have an equation that looks like this:
X = Y*(1+(1.4/B^2)*(Y/5)^4)^1/2
How do I solve this equation for Y in terms of the other variables?
I've attached my worksheet...
ptc-4451268 wrote:
I have an equation that looks like this:
X = Y*(1+(1.4/B^2)*(Y/5)^4)^1/2
How do I solve this equation for Y in terms of the other variables?
The Symbolic Math gives us an absolutely correct and totally useless answer
Why do you not use a numeric math!?
With a little prior manipulation this can be written as a cubic in Kic^2, which Mathcad solves easily. See attached.
I think these are all good answers, but I've found out the way that suits me best is this:
I suppose I should have told you guys that I already knew the other variables
I am still learning, so I am sure I will have more questions.
It was necessary for you to understand initially what decision you want to receive: symbolically or numerical.