I have posed a question in the attached file regarding analytical circuit analysis. Could someone help me with this? Thanks.
In case it is not clear, the excitation current source is periodic. That is why I emphasized the state state solution in my description.
For us poor, ignorant mechanical types could you please define terms? What is D? Ts?
D is duty cycle, Ts is switching period, Ipeak is the amplitude of the excitation current source.
Thanks for your comments. I have added further notes in blue in the attached file. I wrote the circuit equations and conditions for steady state solutions so that people on the forum who are not electrical engineers can also contribute. It is all about solving two diff equations meeting the two initial conditions. However, I haven't used ODE solver of Mathcad before. For people who is familiar with the ODE solver, my questions may be trivial. I prefer to get the capacitor voltage equations (Vc(t)) in the two time periods with R, C, D, Ts and Ipeak being parameters of the cap voltage. If it is not possible, then I am ok with them replaced by real numbers.
Just a correction... In the attached file above "R-C-network_MC15 C", I mentioned that the circuit parameters
C, R, D, Ts, Ipeak
are positive integer numbers. But I meant to say positive real numbers, not integer.
BTW, I believe that the solution involves usin the symbolic engine to some degree to have the solution with circuit parameters. I can accept the solution in MC13 if it makes it easier in case the Maple symbolic engine is more friendly for this task.
Interesting how Prime 2.0 converted/interpreted this...
Mathcad 15 will give the same (wrong) answer if the adams solver (default) is selected, changing this to fixed or adaptive returns a correct looking solution.
Point at the ODESOLVE and a right click gives a menu of options to choose from.
Haven't managed to see how this can be altered in prime yet.
Maybe in later version(s), hopefully.
Thank you, for sharing your expertise.
Best regards,
Norm and Westerman,
Thanks for your efforts. However the ODE approach yields numerical solution rather than analytical equation of the cap voltage. In any case, I learned how to get numerical solution of it through Mathcad. The cap voltage waveform is rounded around the edges of the excitation current source. I believe that it is due to insufficienct number of points in calculating the cap voltage. Is it possible to increase number of points to improve accuracy?