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Sorry if this has already been asked/answered. I did look
I want to enter a long expression and have it wrap so that it stays within the page margins.
In older versions of MC one could use control-enter to wrap to the next line but that does not seem to work in MathCAD Prime...
Is there a way to create a multiline expression in MC Prime?
not yet.
"promised" for Prime 4.0
Any timetable for when Prime 4.0 will be released?
Mathcad Prime 4.0 is coming in December 2016 and check this themes too:
I think "is coming"is a too bold statement.
I'd suggest: "is promised"...
Just let them in...
One solution
Had you searched this forum for
expression break
you would have found at least two other items on the subject.
But searching may be one of the most complex tasks, since it involves, and the results heavily depend on, choosing the right search terms, which you rarely hit upon immediately.
Yup... not using the right search string is frequently the problem...
I tried "expression wrap", "equation wrap", and "multiline expression".
I did get some hits but they were for the old ctrl-enter that worked in the pre-Prime version.