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I am trying to learn PDE in mathcad,.. Its my first time with PDE, could anyone pls help me with this?
Thanks in advance
Its unclear to me what you are trying to do.
q is treated as the spatial variable name first, but when it comes to the BC you treat it like a functon!?
n(q,t) is neither defined nor searched for.
u is first defined as a function in 1 variable and then used as if its a function in two variables.
Concerning the syntax of the Pdesolve() call Alan pointed you in a previous thread to the appropriate help page. Please read and use the information given there and study the examples and the quicksheet.
this became a bit confusive, when i used u many times.
well this is what i want to define actually du/dt (q,t) = -n (q,t)*v (q,t)
what do u mean by BC?
preeti baskaran wrote:
this became a bit confusive, when i used u many times.
well this is what i want to define actually du/dt (q,t) = -n (q,t)*v (q,t)
And what do you know about n and v? You are just searching for u?
what do u mean by BC?
Boundary condition.
And what do you know about n and v? You are just searching for u?
n and v are just two varibles which are initiliased and they should act according to two contraints that is q = quality and t = time.
preeti baskaran wrote:
And what do you know about n and v? You are just searching for u?
n and v are just two varibles which are initiliased and they should act according to two contraints that is q = quality and t = time.
So n and v are NOT variables but (undefined) functions!?
Looks to me like you are trying to solve a *system* of equations, aren't you?
So n and v are NOT variables but (undefined) functions!?
ok, now I am confused between the terms.
it can be interpreted as the the rate of change of -n and q with respect to q and t. defining them as functions is to set the initial contions in mathcad, isnt it?
preeti baskaran wrote:
So n and v are NOT variables but (undefined) functions!?
ok, now I am confused between the terms.
it can be interpreted as the the rate of change of -n and q with respect to q and t. defining them as functions is to set the initial contions in mathcad, isnt it?
No, but if n and v should change dependent on q and t, they are functions in those two variables.
It looks to me like you have an ode system, not a pde. Look at odesolve.
The attached file contains some comments and questions aimed at pointing you in the right direction (I hope!).
thanks! I will look on it