Hi guys!
I have a Thing (an Asset from Apps view, and a Thing that inherits from PTC.ISA95.PhysicalAssetThingTemplate Thing Template from ThingWorx view) that has Infotable properties (VTQ datashape) and I'd like to display them (just the number field) in Apps built in timeseries charts.
I came up with two approaches:
1) Duplicate the Infotable properties as Number properties and make Apps consume that Number properties. Which seems a bad approach since it duplicates data.
2) Customize Apps.
As far as I know, OOTB Apps only support Number and Boolean base types for display so I'd have to customize the Apps in the places where timeseries are displayed which are Asset Advisor.Monitored Properties and Trending and Troubleshooting.
* Asset Advisor.Monitored Properties,
According to documentation I should overwrite the GetMonitoredProperties (inherited from PTC.SCA.SCO.MonitoredPropertiesThingShape) but this service only returns Number and Boolean properties (I added the Infotable to the var filterType, “var filterType = "Boolean,Integer,Long,Number,Infotable";” and also added an Infotable property name to the myList variable and then executed the service, but I still didn’t get Infotable properties in the output). How could I add Infotable properties to this service output?
Once the service returns the Infotable properties I should customize the PTC.SCA.SCO.AssetMonitor.AssetDetail.C_MonitoredPropertiesWithChart_[ReleaseVersion] to allow for Infotable display. I didn’t dig further into this, is this straight forward?
* Trending And Troubleshooting
What steps should I follow to:
I’m looking forward to your reply.
PD: Those are the two approaches that I’m thinking of but I’ll be glad to hear any other.
Merry Xmas,