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Does anybody know how can be "Units" assigned to a property in Manufacturing Apps 8.5.2?
I thought that we could do this from the "Configuration and Setup" option, in the "Additional Properties" menu, but there is no option to do it in the screen. Although it is explained in the help center how to do it, it is imposible to do it from this screen.
Hi @olatz !
Platform does not have official API to update units.
Some hack (updateEntity) was used in code to mitigate that but that hack is causing deadlock issues
So while we are waiting for official API to update units ()
We need to disable units on Additional Properties page
This will avoid the bug " Units are not persisting in Composer after being created in MFG Additional Properties"
you cannot edit the units however, they are displayed as an information for the user.
So i believe for now it working as expected .
Hi @ganeja
In you reply, you said that "you cannot edit the units however, they are displayed as an information for the user.
So i believe for now it working as expected.", but, how did you asign a value to the unit for the first time? I don't want to change them, I just want to give an initial value to the units for every property in the list.
Hi @olatz !
I believe while performing import of equipment using a sheet you assign value to Unit .
Could you please try this way .
Gunjan Aneja
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