In RTPPM, I have configured following models by simulating tags from Kepware.
But, I have an usecase. I have machine running status from Kepware. The partcount, product is manually fed in to the system. Then how to configure RTPPM to support completely manual mode? And, I have only Product not Job Order.
Hi Satishkumar
For all the models, you're required to create the properties and subscriptions even if you don't use tags. But when you're supposed to link the tag (on ProductRemoteTag for example), just leave the tag empty. This is because part of the code might still try to read or write in those properties, if the property does not exist then it could throw an error.
For the quantity tags, this should work fine : there's buttons to manually adjust the quantity in the Operator Dashboard screen.
However, for the Product and Joborder, I think it can work but I have never tried it before. Here is my suggestion. First, if you don't use Joborders in your server, I suggest that you go on Thing PTC.FSU.CORE.GlobalConfiguration.GlobalConfiguration_TG and check the RunWithoutWorkOrderInformation box. This makes all equipments run on "DefaultWorkOrder" instead of one provided by the tag, but most importantly it changes the Operator Dashboard screen so that the "Change joborder" button becomes "Change product" instead.
So you should now have a button in the Operator Dashboard screen to manually change products. And to create new products, you can go in the Configuration -> Products screen. And you may need to use the Equipment Assignment tab in that screen to link the products to your equipment : I'm not sure if the Operator Dashboard lets you choose any product or just the ones assigned to the equipment.
I'm sorry I won't have time to test this soon as the xmas vacations are starting - please be aware that there will be minimal support in the following days.
Thanks for the response.