I have a MacBook m1 and I installed creo parametrics through the Parallels application, but it won't start the application for me. Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
There was a similar question before:
@CG_10797663 wrote:
I have a MacBook m1 and I installed creo parametrics through the Parallels application, but it won't start the application for me. Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
PTC does not support M1 processor.
You can try unofficial solution mentioned by kszemes user in https://community.ptc.com/t5/PTC-Education-Forum/Can-t-open-Creo-Parametric-9-0-0-0/m-p/896107/emcs_t/S2h8ZW1haWx8dG9waWNfc3Vic2NyaXB0aW9ufExMUE0zRUhIUUsxN0JPfDg5NjEwN3xTVUJTQ1JJUFRJT05TfGhL#M13886 discussion.