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Some suggestions regarding solving or at least lessening graphics issues with Creo2.
You will probably need adminatrstors rights to make these changes.
Thanks for posting this Paul. A couple things I would like to clarify though, the options that should be used have changed a little since the release of Creo.
Development tells me that customers having graphics problems should try the following options, in order (i.e., if option 1 does not work, try option 2, option 3 and then option 4 as the last resort):
Rather than edit the file at the install location (many uses do not have permission for this), Creo will also read a file placed in the "Start in" folder. For Windows 7, the default Start-in folder for Creo is (Users/Public/Documents).
Since I can't seem to attach a file to this comment, I've uploaded a zip file with a file that contains all three options listed above but they are commented out using an ! mark. You can place this file inside your Start-in folder and try the combinations above by simply removing the ! from the option you wish to try (must restart Creo after saving the file). I hope this helps.
Worked great, exactly what I needed. Config Editor ->> Open GL .. bam!