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I downladed creo/proe 5.0 last month for my CAD class at drexel and it has worked wonderfuly but today im getting a message when i open it that says LIcense Request Failed for feature. then it gives a path for the license file and says nolicense server system for this feature and then some more error codes. HELP my final project that im doing in this software is due thursday
Hi Chris,
Can I connect to your machine and take a look?
Can you please check if your wireless card or Ethernet card are disabled?. If so, can you enable them?
Please send me an email directly to my email address so I can assist you - -.
I´m having a similar problem, saying for CreoParametricScoolEdition:
"License request failed for feature" and
"Requesting Proe_Scools..."
In the background window there is also a notification that due to storms in the US many systems might be unavailable. Is this the most probable reason for my problem or are there other possibilities? (My internet connection is ok).
Hello Ljubomir,
Can you please try creating the license via the web URL below:
You can use the provided Product Code you received when you registered.
As part of this web URL you will need to submit your MAC address (HOSTID) and the product code to generate the license. The license will be emailed to your address.
Then rerun setup from the downloaded DVD and point to this license file.
Please give it a try and let me know if that solves the issue.