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Is this a common problem< i go into working directory, go down to exercise 1 and there is no file to open.
It should be there in Creo Parametric. Here are some screenshots of the initial steps.
Hmmm... can you share a screenshot of your VM? It might help me understand.
Let's start at the beginning. In your VM, within Creo, when you click File > Open you should see this:
Do you not see this?
So, Fundamentals of Analysis, Exercise 1 you're struggling with?
Set the working directory to CRFD-ANLS Creo_ Fundamentals of Analysis\Analysis\Exercise 1 and open FEET.PRT:
In Exercise 1 there is no drawing to "work with". You are literally opening a part model called FEET.PRT, then viewing the current model properties, and modifying the units from metric to English. There is no subfolder to open, there is no drawing.
I'm not sure what you're looking at. If you'd provide me with the full Exercise, task, and step you're stuck on I could help you.
I believe you're going through setting your working directory first. If that's the case, you'll see what I show below which will not have any files as it's setting a folder. After doing this, then click open (as I've shown above) to open the file.