So, here, at PTC, our new year started in October. Your Community Manager has been in the center of numerous operational community activities and planning (and I managed to take some PTO days as well :). But, I did get a chance to enjoy some #lifeatptc ("fun stuff") at work too.
Here's a glimpse:
We celebrated Customer Experience Day on Oct. 1st!
PTC Employee Cruise around Boston Harbor with my pal, David Lee, on October 8th!
First BRUG ( PTC/USER Boston Regional User Group) Meeting with @ScottMorris and our Boston PTC/USERs at our on Corporate Experience Center October 15th!
Costume Contest...."C is For Cookie or Community on October 31st !!!
Digital Transformation (Change) Team were the "Party Animals" at our Halloween Party!
Our CEO Jim Heppelmann even stopped by!
Looking forward to a great 2020 at PTC and with our awesome PTC Community Members!
I have to stop taking goofy pictures when someone asks me to take a photo of them. Love it.