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I have designed a right-angled bracket to be made from 12 layers of E-Glass. I have modelled it as a sheet part (from the midsurface of where the manufactured solid component would be) then added a shell idealization to each face, which consists of the 12 plies (which as I had discovered in an earlier attempt is created in two directions. 6 one way, 6 the other, hence I modelled this from a sheet not a solid body).
I thought I had successfully created the material orientations so that directions 1, 2 and 3 remain the same throughout (see images attached. The vertical face is based on a rotated coordinate system).
Constraints and loads are created relative to the sheet, which I assume is correct, as there doesn't appear to be any way to make these relative to the outside of the shell.
When I come to run the simulation, I receive a terminal error almost immediately saying 'Material orientation evaluation failed. Please check material orientation definitions'. I can't see anything I have done wrong as all the previews seem to show design intent and all of the structural moduli are input in a Transversely Isotropic symmetry.
Any ideas?