I created a batch file to run a silent install of Creo 2 M020. I tried testing it and at first it appeared as nothing was happening, but then I realized that it seemed to be running in the background with absolutely no indication that it was going.
Q1 - Is there supposed to be no indication at all that it's running? I guess I assumed that silent meant 'no user intervention' not 'you can't tell if it's working'. I expected to see a progress bar or something.
Q2 - Is there a way to avoid the UAC prompts? Having to confirm several UAC prompts is less than ideal. If I run the batch file as an administrator will that fix it?
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Yes, I have the passive option set. Here's my entire batch file:
I do see setup.exe in Task Manager and since I'm getting the UAC prompts (only for creoagent, the thumb viewer & PVX), it must be working. First time I ran it I thought I had something wrong since I didn't see any indication that it was working.
We haven’t yet; I was simply making sure it worked on one workstation. We’re waiting to roll out Creo 2 until M030 releases next Wednesday. I’ve got to work with IT to see how we’ll roll it out. There’s only maybe 10 workstations to install it on, we may just go machine to machine and fire it up.
Our IT guys used the Group Policy Manager to run the silent installer script I developed when the users in a group rebooted their machines. It’s set to only run once.
Do you know if a user has an earlier build of Creo 2 installed, will it perform an upgrade install? I’ll have a couple of users with M0101 or M020 installed when we go to M030. I don’t want to have both installed when I’m done.