Instances and assemblies!
With the lack of a PDM system we have a fit and assemble engineer, who compiles all the components onto a master GA.
Problem is when i design a componet the Instances soon mount up, the Instances sometimes donot match or superceed the GA instances!
Is there any way i can reset the Instances in the GA / model, or maybe disable Instance saving in PROE?
Instances = the .prt.XX number in the file name
just couple of information ...
If you work on PART (eg.model), then every Save operation creates new file (eg. model.prt.1, model.prt.2, model.prt.3, and so on).
If you assemble PART (eg. model.prt.1) into ASSEMBLY, then ProE puts reference to model.prt into ASSEMBLY.
When you open ASSEMBLY, then ProE opens and assembles the last version of model.prt (eg. model.prt.3).
Martin Hanak
Instances have a different meaning in Proe (e.g. instances of a screw in an assembly or number of times the same screw is used in an assembly).
What you refer to as instance are the "Version Number". This can be a problem without a PDM system. What you can do is to create a Shrinkwrap and replace the assembly with the shrink wrap in the GA. The GA itself can contain "Graphic rep" of assemblies. [one cannot edit Graphic Rep entities].
At the end of the day, you can "Purge" the files to remove any previous saved versions. Thus, the person who makes the GA will always get the shrinkwrap/Graphic rep of the latest version.