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I wanted to try the model tree independently but I want to change it back. Nothing that I do gives me the options to re dock it in the window settings, even after deleted the configs I entered.
help! is so annoying now. thank you
Solved! Go to Solution.
well I think I have a solution for you.
For that option to be selectable, you must close all but one window, and only then may that option be toggled.
It's probably in the If you haven't customized the windows I think it can be deleted; just to be safe, rename as config.keepme and restart.
i ended up finding an old version of the below file and replaced it. messed up some of my customized toolbars, oh well.
is that what you meant by chance?
Ever since you posted this question, I've been tempted to try this
What does PTC have to say about this oversight in their specifications?
Didn't even know that PTC was adding even more confusion to their interface control.
It should have plain text file content and be editable using notepad. I'm dreaming.
Is the "display as separate window" option grayed out?
or is it that you can check and uncheck this box?
it's very confusing. hopefully I recall this correctly, add these 2 configs..
enable_tree_indep =yes
restart Creo and goto windows settings and then you can set which side, etc
I'm not sure why I couldn't get it back in, I've done it from time to time if I need a lot of columns. i wouldn't recommend it.
i would recommend floating the layer tree with.......
i've never had a problem reverting that, it requires a restart too.
does that mean your model tree is now docked?
yeah, but i had to load an old ui file. 😞
I had a similar issue. So incase it comes up again, (and you may have already done this) but I fixed it by going to file>options>window settings> then checking, or un-checking, the "Display as separate window" box.
I'm curious, did you try this?
strange thing was it wasn't able to be deselected, it was greyed out.
well I think I have a solution for you.
For that option to be selectable, you must close all but one window, and only then may that option be toggled.
I'm scared to try it since I got it fixed, but now I'm curious in case I need to seperate it sometime.
I thought I remembered some super secret handshake and chant to make it work!
ha ha yes it should work. I really recomend the floating model tree; makes my screen seem bigger. with that you can now see both your layer/drawing tree and model tree at the same time.
Also I created a mapkey to open and close the tree.
model_tree_start no
mapkey(continued) ~ Command `ProCmdEnvModelTree` 0;
if none of that works, that means you're doing the handshake wrong.
don't you still have the browser docked taking up space? that's why i've never found it useful since the browser takes up the same amount of space.
Yes it is.
My solution was creating a mapkey. Then, using one of the three auxiliary buttons on my mouse (I'm not sure what they are really called but auxiliary sounds like it should work) I assigned that button to the key stroke that runs my map key.
With one hand on the keyboard and the other on the mouse with extra buttons I can toggle the model tree and my layer/ drawing tree very quickly.
I Know this is just a preference thing but I think it's a great
This is an interesting bit of information. Not sure what affect it has on the current problem, but it is interesting.
that's a good link! thank you.