David, There was a blog post out there some place that showed how the CreoDirect App was built not on CoCreate, but on Pro/Engineer. This makessome sense given the 'common data model' that PTC has been promotingwith Creo. So, it stands to reason that they would use a common configfile and that PTC would have thought this through (snicker) so thatconfig options between the two don't conflict. I think this goes back to not keeping your config files inside the Pro/E- sorry, Creo - install folder but instead storing them outside andcopying them in at launch. That way, it doesn't matter if an installwipes the prior version, you've still got them in the offline, masterlocation. That does create some challenges for those using two apps with differentbuild codes - how do you then merge your two config files? If I've gotM010 of Direct and M020 of Parametric installed, then I've got separateconfig files for each. If I'm copying my files in at launch, upgradingDirect to M020 and launching it will copy the Direct config file intothe M010 text folder, overwriting the Parametric config file. Then,when I launch Parametric it will copy in its own config file. All iswell, I suppose, as long as I don't try to run both at the same time,but this constant overwriting doesn't seem good. If you're not copying the config files, then, as you've said, you'lllose your Direct config during the upgrade. Nice. Frankly, it seems that no one at PTC really thought through config fileswhen developing Creo. What was once a very robust, if perhaps a bitclumsy, system is now seriously broken. We have a nicer GUI for editingthem, but managing multiple files is impossible, and now we learn thatmanaging config files with multiple apps is problematic as well. Parfor the course, honestly, as PTC developers seem to have very littleunderstanding about how their customers are using the software. Everynew improvement comes with something we've come to rely on gettingbroken. As we approach the launch of Creo 2.0, this config file mess is the onething that keeps me from using Creo 1.0 and implementing it companywide.Eventually, one of our clients will start using it and we will have toas well. Until then, or until this is fixed, I'm staying away. Doug SchaeferThis thread is inactive and closed by the PTC Community Management Team. If you would like to provide a reply and re-open this thread, please notify the moderator and reference the thread. You may also use "Start a topic" button to ask a new question. Please be sure to include what version of the PTC product you are using so another community member knowledgeable about your version may be able to assist.
Doug Schaefer | Experienced Mechanical Design Engineer