I was wondering if someone else has seen this. A couple weeks back we moved one of our NC programmers to a new Windows 7, 64 bit workstation. After running WF4 M070 successfully for about a week, all of the sudden it would no longer launch. Xtop.exe never appeared in the task manager. Looked at the firewall settings and nothing appeared to be getting blocked. We could launch other builds of Pro like M120 and M150 though. Since I have higher administrative rights, I logged in for testing and the different builds of Pro/E and Pro/NC launched without a hitch. When we switched users back to the NC programmer and attempted to launch M070, it worked. Something must be getting reset. Things seemed good for couple more days and then it suddenly stopped working again (fyi, had several reboots during the working streak). The switching of the users worked again. This band-aid solution is going to get old in a hurry. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks.
Mike Bills
Ingersoll Cutting Tools Company
Rockford, IL
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